
Children are a gift from the LorD

Psalm 127:3 (NLT)

Children are  next generation of believers, our future. Jesus often uses children as an example for our faith. Just as Jesus loves children, we love children and wish to meet them where they are at.

 At Parkland Chapel we teach our children through the Bible verse by verse on their level. We have loving well equipped volunteers that teach our children every week. They engage the kids in scripture memorization, bible stories, and life lessons.

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am  & 10:45 am

Children are split up by ages and grades. We have nursery (newborn - 3 yrs), preschool/kindergarten (3 -5 years), elementary (1st - 6th grade).  For 1st-6th grade  class time is split into two sections. In one section, they are in a larger group where they have a worship time and an overview of the lesson for the week. The second section is with a teacher or two and they are split individual grades into  diving deeper into the lesson and scripture.

Meet the Leadership

Brian Woodson

Children's Church Director

Linnette Woodson

Children's Church Director

Allyson Hensley

Lead First Service Teacher