Serving at the church is a great opportunity to pour into the church family. We welcome anyone who has been regularly for about six months to join our team of volunteers. We ask that you have been attending for this amount of time in order for you to see and understand what we teach, how we roll, and if Parkland Chapel is a place that you want to be. See below the places you can serve at Parkland Chapel. We want to put you where your gifts are best utilized and where you can grow.
I'm Ready to serve
Click the link below to start your ministry volunteer application today!
Don't know where to serve?
Continue scrolling to read all the ways you can serve at church.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered approach to help bring biblical truth and clarity for sustainable recovery over our hurts, habits and hang-ups. Celebrate Recovery is also a great gateway ministry for musicians who want to get involved in worship music at Parkland Chapel. We have live worship every week, with a guitar, vocals, and a cajon (box drum), with room to grow.

Sue Meyers

Jerrod Tune
Children's Church
Nursery - 6th Grade
We teach the kiddos the Word of God. We use Calvary Chapel curriculum and start in Genesis and go through the book of Revelation. Our goal in teaching the Word is so kids can know what God likes and what He is like. Each month we also have a memory verse that corresponds with the month's Bible lessons so we can "hide God's word in our hearts so we don't sin against Him."
We split the kiddos into age groups and have worship time, prayer time, activity time and of course time in His Word.
We offer Children's Church first and second service and on Wednesday nights when Wednesday Nights are in session.
We split the kiddos into age groups and have worship time, prayer time, activity time and of course time in His Word.
We offer Children's Church first and second service and on Wednesday nights when Wednesday Nights are in session.
The goal of Hospitality is to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through the doors. We ensure that coffee is always fresh, snacks are served with a smile, and every guest feels at home.
We strive to make everyone feel valued and cared for. Whether it's refilling coffee cups, setting up snacks, or offering a friendly greeting, we work to make our church a place of comfort and connection.
We strive to make everyone feel valued and cared for. Whether it's refilling coffee cups, setting up snacks, or offering a friendly greeting, we work to make our church a place of comfort and connection.

Peter & Melisa Schrock

Nick Govero
Medical Team
The church Medical Team is a group of healthcare professionals and trained volunteers dedicated to providing immediate medical assistance during church services and events. They respond to emergencies, offer minor medical support, and ensure medical supplies are readily available. Their presence helps ensure the safety and well-being of the congregation, allowing everyone to worship with peace of mind.
Parking Lot
The Parking Lot Ministry helps people transition from the highway to the church safely and efficiently. Team members monitor the parking lot for available spots and open lanes, ensuring pedestrians can cross traffic safely.
Chris Wilkerson

Eric & Erin Schweiss
Ushers & Greeters
The Ushers and Greeters Ministry is designed to welcome everyone who walks through the doors of Parkland Chapel. We greet each person, provide hospitality, and serve communion. Our team members are the first faces you'll see as you enter, and we strive to make all who come feel welcome. We also assist newcomers by answering questions, guiding new families to the right areas, and helping children get checked into Children's Church. Our team is open to anyone who enjoys meeting new people, is friendly, and has a heart to serve others. We aim to be the face of Jesus to all who come to Parkland Chapel.
Tech Team
The Tech Team is responsible for audio mixing, stage lighting, slides, and live streaming. We use modern technology to professionally produce the live environment and manage our online presence.
Alana Ankrom
Eric Perret
Donnie Crump
The Watchmen exist to protect the church and its grounds. They are stationed around the church during services and special events to ensure safety. We hold qualification outings for certifications and undergo special training to handle real-life situations
Wednesday Night Meals
Wednesday Night Meals is a beautiful blend of food and fellowship before our Wednesday Night Services. We set up, serve, and clean up after these church wide dinners.

Melisa Pritchett
The Parkland Chapel Worship Team exists to minister to the congregation through vibrant, Spirit-filled praise and worship. Our team is made up of followers of Christ who are skilled musicians, passionate about worshiping the Lord in spirit and truth, and eager to encourage others to do the same, both on and off stage

Jerrod Tune

Kyle Cox
Debbie Hamby