Three-Legged Race

By Melissa Schrock

And in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place. Deuteronomy 1:31 (ESV)
One, two, one, two, the girls chanted as they made their way across the yard in the three-legged race at my daughter’s birthday party. Crossing the finish line, their voices rang with cheer. Not because they had won but out of the pure joy of completing the race.
While the children raced, we quickly discovered the winning teams consisted of an older child paired with a younger child. Upon first thought that doesn't make sense. An older child has longer legs and more strength than a small child. How can they even be a competing pair? Is it possible for them to work together?
Here’s the secret. The older child would lift the younger one just enough to carry them down the yard and back. The older used their strength to compensate for the younger’s lack.
Wow. My walk with God feels similar to a mismatched three-legged race. He has strength, wisdom, and power while I am weak and flawed. As I have journeyed through this life, I have realized my strength is small, but I know that the One who walks beside me and in me is strong. Sometimes in difficult seasons I feel Him lift me up, carry me through. His strength covers for my lack and weakness. He is with me one step at a time as we head closer to the finish line.
While I have experienced seasons of allowing God’s gracious hand to pick me up, in other seasons, I have resisted. Shouting over and over in my head, One, two! One, two! think I can do this with my own two feet. I’ve got this on my own.
Oh, how I regret the times of pride resistance. Who am I but a precious child in need of God’s gracious hand to guide me?
He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)
Faith Step: Close your eyes and picture a three-legged race. What kind of participant do you see yourself as? Are you at the starting line trembling with fear? Do you step in unison with the Father, step out on your own, or allow Him to carry you?

Melissa Schrock

Melissa Schrock is a wife, mom of 4, and the author of the book Released: From Dark Pit to Life with Abundant Hope. Melissa enjoys using everyday life situations in her writing to remind us of God's truths.

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